If you have told your own story too often, it will eventually feel worn out. That's why I'll spare us the details here. :-)
My path has taken me through various stages, from science to coaching, from sculpting and art to web design. I always like to do something new!
A year ago I moved with my family from Cologne to the deep Eifel. I now have a marvellous view from my desk, and our cat is usually there too. This gives my work a whole new calm and depth...
Essentially, I'm always interested in empowering people to express themselves. It's simply wonderful when people really feel seen and dare to be themselves. Then things suddenly start to flow again and become more effortless.
The nice thing about country life is that you really enjoy socialising with people again. The best time to reach me is in the mornings between 8:00 and 12:00, when it's quiet in the house.
By phone: +49 (0)177 5681984 or by e-mail: hello[at]annebeatrixbusch.com
I'm curious to find out what your project is about!
If you have told your own story too often, it will eventually feel worn out. That's why I'll spare us the details here. :-)
My path has taken me through various stages, from science to coaching, from sculpting and art to web design. I always like to do something new!
A year ago I moved with my family from Cologne to the deep Eifel. I now have a marvellous view from my desk, and our cat is usually there too. This gives my work a whole new calm and depth...
Essentially, I'm always interested in empowering people to express themselves. It's simply wonderful when people really feel seen and dare to be themselves. Then things suddenly start to flow again and become more effortless.
Das schöne am Landleben ist, dass man sich wieder richtig freut, mit Menschen in Kontakt zu kommen. Am besten bin ich vormittags zwischen 8:00 und 12:00 Uhr zu erreichen, da ist es ruhig im Haus.
Telefonisch: +49 (0)177 5681984 oder per Mail: hello[at]annebeatrix.com
Ich bin gespannt, worum es in deinem Projekt geht!